The Gaelic Dragons is a competitive team that promotes the sport of dragon boating. We conduct ourselves with the highest standards of sportsmanship, while welcoming people of all backgrounds and paddling abilities. We place a premium on fun and friendship, and recognise that our members need to balance sport with personal and work life.
Our team was founded in 2004 and is a vibrant part of Singapore's rapidly growing competitive dragon boating community. We are affiliated with the Singapore Dragon Boat Association (SDBA) and an active member of the International Dragon Boat Committee (IDBC), participating in every SDBA open and international class paddling event held.
Whilst primarily being a sporting club, we have a tradition of 'post-paddle' social gatherings such as pub gatherings, cycling trips, BBQs, parties (some have become legendary…), and so much more.
Having strong ties with the Irish community in Singapore doesn't stop us from having a diverse group of members representing all nationalities, coming from countries such as Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England, Singapore, Russia, France, Netherlands, Kazakhstan, Germany and China. We welcome everyone to join us and experience what being in the dragon boat community is all about!
We are always looking for reasonably fit guys and gals to paddle with us. So if you are interested in giving dragon boating a go, come join us at our training sessions!